
nmon analyzer

Came across this great system and network analyzer tool today.
It's an oldie from IBM but still as good as ever!

download nmon from ibm and their unsupported analyzer spreadsheet.

./nmon -f -s2 -c 60

where c is number of datapoints
and s is interval between gatherpoints
f is for background.

then sort the file into a .csv
open nmon analyser v33C.xls
import system.090914_1445.csv into it.

Aswell did a little perl-script for merging logs if you've as me managed to collect to much data for excel to handle.

Just change $a % 50 to a value that fits your needs

open(FILE, shift) or
die("Unable to open file!");
$a = 0;
$b = 0001;
$start = 1;
foreach $sak (<FILE>) {
@divided = split(/,/,$sak);
$curr = $divided[0];
if (($curr =~ "AAA") || ($curr =~ "BBBP")) {
print $sak . "\n";
if ($start == 1) {
$last = $curr;
$start = 0;
if ($curr !~ $last) {
$a = 0;
$b = 0001;
$last = $curr;
print $sak . "\n";
if ($a % 50 == 0) {
$d = sprintf("%04d",$b);
$divided[1] = "T$d";
print join(',', @divided) . "\n";